Your Core Can Kill You...Control It!

The second half of the year, I have kept the tennis; Zumba; weights (haven’t been consistent) and jump rope (100-300 revolutions) but tapered off on the yoga. My sleep is better and I have more energy. However, with all of the exercise, I am still not pleased with one major area of the body-My Belly. Some people tell me, “Oh,you look just fine to me.” However, I disagree. Watching the Dr. Oz Show and listening to Dr. Zahra Tabassian, M.D (doctor who promotes dancing away diabetes)

According to my favorite book, the Bible, “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.” (Phillipians 3:19) Phillipians 3 tells us not to put any confidence or dependence in the flesh because it will lead to our own destruction. People who eat too much are reflected in Proverbs 23:21 “Those who eat and drink too much become poor. They sleep too much and end up wearing rags.” (ESV)
In essence, there is not a lot of movement going on when a person is eating too much except from the table to the bed. Nevertheless, there is a way of predicting the risk to our demise by measuring our Body Mass Index (BMI) which is the ratio of weight to height.
Click on the link below to read about the BMI:
We as individuals still have control of what we do with our bodies as well as how we feed the body. When I started the exercise program, I knew I had to change my eating habits. I have almost eliminated “white” processed food products carbohydrates (carbs) that will turn into sugar once it enters my body. However, I do eat the natural carbs such as: fruits vegetables, nuts, and whole grains daily to obtain the energy I need.
According to, there is little doubt that the human body uses carbohydrates most efficiently for energy production. But there is a BIG difference between the natural, wholesome, 'good' carbs we are designed to eat and the unnatural, highly-processed, 'refined' carbs so many of us consume on a daily basis! These 'bad' carbs are contributing to a health crisis in America and other parts of the world in the forms of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Millions of people are simply unaware of what they are doing to their bodies every time they eat processed carbs. To sum it up, the following food types are generally considered to be good carbs and should make up most or all of your carb intake:
◦whole vegetables
◦ whole fruits
◦ beans
◦ legumes
◦ nuts
◦ seeds
◦ whole cereal grains
Do these exercises to Control Your Core!
Is your BMI in the danger zone?
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As of today I am so thankful to say, that I have been totally committed to living a healthier life style. I would like to briefly share my story with everyone. My name is Sheree H., a proud mother of a beautiful little girl named Deztiny, who is four years old. In December 2011 I went to Kaiser as a routine checkup, and found out one of the most devastating things I have ever heard before in my life, when I stepped on the scale the RN said, ‘Ok, weight 220 pounds’, I almost hit the floor. When I went in to see my MD, we talked about several things including my weight, and she suggested I take some test just to make sure my blood pressure, and blood sugars levels were normal. Then she gave me some information that helped me change my life forever. When I got home I cried like a baby, I weighed more now than I did when I was 9 Months pregnant with Deztiny. I began to try to figure out how this all happened, like I didn’t know, then the negative thoughts from the enemy started to set in my mind, telling me it was nothing I could do, and that I would be that size for the rest of my life or even bigger. For several days I walked around very negative, sad and even mean towards others and the ones I LOVED the most, for what I had allowed in my life. That is when I finally fell on my knees and began to seek GOD and ask Him how I will be able to turn this around. And from that very moment my life has never been the same. I went back to my MD and we set a plan in motion , for a healthy way of living, using spiritual, physical, and nutritional methods, for me to live by from day to day. I am so proud to say as of today May 9, 2012 I have lost more than 40 pounds, and plan to lose 30 more. My main goal is not the actual weight lost, but to KEEP the weight off, and turn the fat into muscle. I exercise 5 to 6 days a week, walk at least 30 minutes a day, and have even started to eat much healthier, including less carbs (my weakness are chips & Italian foods, Lol, in moderation). I give all credit to GOD who is the head of my life for reminding me of who I am in JESUS Christ, in whom I can do all things through. I am not where I want to be, but praise GOD I am not where I use to be…
When I looked at my BMI after reading the blog it said I was overweight. I guessed that I was overweight long ago, but to be confirmed is surreal. Especially since I ran track for 3 years in high school. After I stopped running trac,k so did my exercise; and now when I attempt to workout, due to injuries I obtained in High school but didn't resolve, it hurts even worse to try to exercise. Eating healthy carbs seems very doable to me, since the whole grains ans fruits you mentioned I already enjoy eating, but finding a daily or consistent and non-abrasive workout will be tough. But worth trying not that I know what my BMI means regarding my health.
Try doing Yoga(try Dr. Oz's 7 minute video or the exercises on the video attached to this post. They focus on the core. Thanks for your post.
Thank you for your comment.
The stomach exercises are very useful. i tried them while watching the video and its pretty painful. and if the pain is in the right places, that means its working!
Glad the information was useful to you. Thanks for your comment.
Cynthia Ojeda
Psych 101
Keep up the good work. Stay focused and you will reach your goals. Thanks for your comment.
great post on exercising.
I've tried zumba with my girlfriend and it's so funny when you first start. (i gave up and just did weight lifting and cardio.)
I love the video. I've never seen so much core work before.
Fortunately, I can say that I have stuck with my New Year's
resolution of improving my health as well. Last year, my
Doctor made me aware that I was obese, so I have taken
some steps to help improve my health over the past couple
months. I have changed the way I start the day, lunch,
and snack throughout the day. My breakfasts consist of Honey Nut
Cheerios, Chia seeds, and milk.Rather than drink sodas or eat out
for lunch, I have been eating sandwiches and salads with either
juice or bottled water. As for my snacks, I eat granola
bars, fruits, or some nuts. These minor changes make me feel
more energetic and focused during the day. Although I'm skeptical, I
believe these changes have brought more routine to my sleep schedule.
Chi P
The core truly does determine the health of both your lower and upper bodies, as well as pressure on your spine etc.
It's very importaint to have a nicely developed core. I also love how you've tied food choices along with the core topic, the saying "Six packs are made in the kitchen" holds all validity.
- J.O
Overall eating health will benefit you mentally and physically. In my case with everything going on, I have tried to exercise the most I can to keep a healthy body. Eating healthy and eating a small portion of unhealthy things or not at all is the best you can do. But, sometimes it is hard to not eat that ice cream you've been seeing the whole day in your fridge. With me, I was close to getting diabetes about a year a half ago. I was enlisted in a program that I had to attend every month to weight my self. I know from experience that it's true we are the ones that control what food we put in our bodies. That year I started biking to school every day to exercise in the hope of bettering my self. I did sit-ups every day lifted weight and much more. As more time passed I felt that I had more energy and I was not tired and sleepy all the time. The hardest thing was getting a new eating habit. I believe that our BMI is a very important thing to be checking more often. But, sadly, most people are unaware of what they put in there bodies and what that will do to them in the future. Because of this, I am self-aware about how my body is and how I feel.
Congratulations! You are doing a great job with the amount and variety of workouts in your routine, as well as your diet or food intake.
I know belly fat is the most difficult to get rid of adn the most uncomfortable for many of us. Some people said, our belly is 80% is what we eat and 20% exercise when we are looking for a defined belly. Besides that. we are what we eat! It is definitely important to exercise, being active and take care of what we ingest. That simple routine that becomes easier with the time and practice is fundamental for our well being. This two exercise and food combined allow us to have a better health. Stay away from overweight or obesity, allow us to have better blood flow in our body and brain. This helps our brain in many different aspect that we can not even imagine. Also the food we consume, not only help us to look better but also provides with lots of nutrients for out brain. Makes us feel lighter in weight , helps for better digestion and overall better organs functioning. Also makes us feel happier and cope better with stressful situations.
Keep the good job! Your body and brain will appreciate it and compensate the effort and time you are putting in your yourself.
M Fusari
- K.Bueno
This blog about how our cores can kill is an inspiring fitness journey. Your health journey is really a commendable one, and I hope you reach all your goals. The belly area is such a stubborn area to reduce fat, and the BMI article was a good read. I definitely agree that, "BMI is just a measure of weight in proportion to height. What seems to be more important is how the fat is distributed on the body" (Healthy Day, 2011). Even though someone may be proportionate to their height and weight, doesn't mean they are healthy. Same goes for people who do weightlifting, there BMI are not proportionate and the may be considered over-weight or obese. Instead people should be measured by how much fat is distributed on the body, because creates a more realistic body image for that person. The whole worlds view on body image is different and how they want to look, but the important aspect is on health and how that person wants to be viewed. Another part of information I appreciate from the blog was the substitute for carbs. Carb is later stored as fat and I try eat lesser carbs, but is hard to go without rice. The substitute list of fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts are a great way to think of a positive solution to cut out carbs and eat healthier. Along with the bonus video on strengthening our core through workouts targeting our belly. Thank you for another educational read on becoming more healthy and the core exercise video.
- P.W.R (Rager)
Also, both exercise and diet can help reduce heart disease build muscle and improve your mental health. Consuming natural organic foods can assist with weight loss along with the reduced intake of processed foods and sugars. Carbs have very little to do with losing weight as they just provide energy but if too much is consumed, the body will turn into sugar and fat. This will make it more difficult to lose and maintain a good body weight.
There was some much great advice on this blog. I deal with a lot of stress and not really good on handling it. There were very good points I took away from this. Thank you so much. May God continue to bless you.
I found this article extremely helpful , i think it all starts on how we feel on the inside and soon feeling better on the outside.