Vitamin Water - Healthy? or Not!!!
I wanted to post more on a different type of water that Americans are consuming every day. We are really being deceived! As I said before "Read the Labels"! Go back and read my previous post dated 9/15/11.
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I'm actually really shocked. All this time I've been drinking vitamin water, I had no idea that it was just sugar water. It's actually quite disturbing, in all honesty. I was drinking in the hopes that I would get more nurturance, since most of the time I miss my breakfast.
So, I didn’t know any of this until now. I’m so glad you posted this on your blog.
Thank you, Ms.Wooten.
I definately agree with this video. My mom warned me that Vitamin Water is not healthy. But, what shocked me the most about this video was the fact that the manufactuer's lie on the nutrition label?!!!! (when it is supposed to be informing the people about what is really in the product). That is very decieving and wrong. And, the public should not be mislead like that.
To me, anything is better if its from making your own juice and food. But, thanks for posting this...I hope that other people will get to see this because we all need to be informed about this issue since it effects the consumers (us) the most. Especially since Vitamin Water is always on display like when you first walk into some stores..there it is...BEWARE
The purpose of this post is to shed light on issues that keep us in the dark. I am glad you saw the light concerning Vitamin Water. Now that you are better informed, you can make an informed decision about what to place in your body. Thanks for your comment.
Bryant Christopher Crump
- This is what I have been trying to tell people from when vitamin water first got popular, that is nothing but junk, but at the same time I see why people buy the stuff, people buy the stuff because it is cheaper to buy something that they say is good for you which really isn't but at the same time it is expensive to but things that are good for you. this is why the obesity rate is so high in America, just because it is more cost efichiant to buy a burger and fries from McDonalds then to buy a salad from whole foods
Thank you for your comments. Both of you nailed it.
Watching this clip makes me think twice before drinking another vitamin water because it contains a lot of sugar. As of now I am going to be more careful about what I drink.
shannon b pd5
it is unbelievable how so many people have been misled by VITAMIN WATER to believe that there are healthy vitamins in this drink. When you think are drinking water, its just a lot of sugar,and additives. It is just disgusting that Coca-Cola would fool people that way. When their own people say its not a healthy drink in court. making the consumers feel stupid when they finally realize that Vitamin Water isn’t healthy for you. It’s unfortunate and I am gonna make sure that i tell my friends and family who drink this "healthy water" to not intake unnecessary sugars and chemicals when we can make our own juice at home, or simply add some Lemon to water for a zest.
J.Karam C105
Noura E.