Vitamin Water - Healthy? or Not!!!

I wanted to post more on a different type of water that Americans are consuming every day. We are really being deceived! As I said before "Read the Labels"! Go back and read my previous post dated 9/15/11.

What are your thoughts about the ongoing deception?



Nancie Cruise said…
Hi, Ms. Wooten, this is Nancie.

I'm actually really shocked. All this time I've been drinking vitamin water, I had no idea that it was just sugar water. It's actually quite disturbing, in all honesty. I was drinking in the hopes that I would get more nurturance, since most of the time I miss my breakfast.

So, I didn’t know any of this until now. I’m so glad you posted this on your blog.
Nancie Cruise said…
I’m sorry, I meant “nutrients”.
DrDSpeaks said…
Glad the information was helpful to you.
M.S. said…
woow I'm so surprised. since I've always thought that Vitamin Water was a healthy beverage, I've been drinking it. When I drink Vitamin Water, I feel that it gives me energy, but I didn't know it's just sugar water, and that it contributes to gain obesity, diabetes, and other health problems until now. Therefore, I'll stop drinking it, since my dad has diabetes, I have more probability to get diabetes too.
Thank you, Ms.Wooten.
Crystal Polard said…
Hello Ms. Wooten, this is Crystal.
I definately agree with this video. My mom warned me that Vitamin Water is not healthy. But, what shocked me the most about this video was the fact that the manufactuer's lie on the nutrition label?!!!! (when it is supposed to be informing the people about what is really in the product). That is very decieving and wrong. And, the public should not be mislead like that.
To me, anything is better if its from making your own juice and food. But, thanks for posting this...I hope that other people will get to see this because we all need to be informed about this issue since it effects the consumers (us) the most. Especially since Vitamin Water is always on display like when you first walk into some stores..there it is...BEWARE
Crystal Polard said…
You are such a great Professor!! :DDD
DrDSpeaks said…
The purpose of this post is to shed light on issues that keep us in the dark. I am glad you saw the light concerning Vitamin Water. Now that you are better informed, you can make an informed decision about what to place in your body. Thanks for your comment.
Unknown said…
The so called western diet is defined as a diet consisting of lots of added fat and sugar. It is sad to know that the "vitamin" water that we drink has so much sugar and is actually unhealthy for us. It is unfortunate that these big companies mislead us to consume their products, which leads to diseases like obesity and diabetes. Still, people should also be responsible to read the labels on the products before they consume them so they know what they are putting in their bodies.

Bryant Christopher Crump
malchus cooper said…
M. Cooper
- This is what I have been trying to tell people from when vitamin water first got popular, that is nothing but junk, but at the same time I see why people buy the stuff, people buy the stuff because it is cheaper to buy something that they say is good for you which really isn't but at the same time it is expensive to but things that are good for you. this is why the obesity rate is so high in America, just because it is more cost efichiant to buy a burger and fries from McDonalds then to buy a salad from whole foods
DrDSpeaks said…
Malchus and Bryant
Thank you for your comments. Both of you nailed it.
Anonymous said…
Josephine Portillo

Watching this clip makes me think twice before drinking another vitamin water because it contains a lot of sugar. As of now I am going to be more careful about what I drink.
Anonymous said…
i couldnt believe what he was saying i was so suprised i drink vitamin a lot thinking it healthy and it isnt , it has way to much sugar in it and this video just makes me wonder about everything else out there this video has told me basically i need to be really carefully out there and what im drinking.
shannon b pd5
lisbet magana said…
Im Surprised about this video since ive always thought that vitamin water was a drink that was supposed to be healthy for people. But after watching this video gives me a whole different perspective especially since personally I have never tried this drink. Im for sure not trying this drink and will pay more attention to the labels on drinks as to context that might not be very clear.
Unknown said…
even before i read this post i kind of knew that vitamin water was shady. I heard that this was made by two college kids from irvine and they sign up with a rapper well known called 50 cent he took on this to promote the company but he asked for like 60-40 from its earnings. well lets just say we all know what it became. know one of the biggest power houses of drinks owns the substance. i just don't understand why are they being so deceptive. they shall be made to truly list what it is made of. just like Cigarets they should also have a law.
Anonymous said…
I was shocked that Vitamin Water is not healthy AT ALL. All these years, people were misled to believe that there are actual healthy vitamins in this drink. When really, you’re drinking water, LOTS of sugar, and synthetic vitamin additives. That just disgusts me that Coca-Cola would fool people that way and then make their consumers feel stupid when they finally realize that Vitamin Water isn’t healthy for you. It’s unfortunate and I am pretty sure that I will never drink one again.
Anonymous said…
-- Danielle Baeza
Anonymous said…
Y.T - First of let me start off by saying that I never liked gatorade let alone Vitamin Water. I am addicted with reading the labels before buying any drinks. I was more shock when "Naked" the fruit drink wasn't as healthy because of the pesteurization. Also when I buy drinks for my son I make sure that it is 100% juice and over the years I learned that 100% vitamin c doesn't necessarly mean 100% juice. If coca cola is behind the misleading of the vitamin water then I am not suprise because people with money do whatever they want. The world revolves and moves around money!
Anonymous said…
I honestly never liked vitamin water, it just wasnt good to me. But now that i have seen this view, i know now to NEVER drink a bottle of false advertisment. Always go the healthier way and drink your vegatables (: or take good mulit-vitamins
Anonymous said…
Hi Ms. Woot

it is unbelievable how so many people have been misled by VITAMIN WATER to believe that there are healthy vitamins in this drink. When you think are drinking water, its just a lot of sugar,and additives. It is just disgusting that Coca-Cola would fool people that way. When their own people say its not a healthy drink in court. making the consumers feel stupid when they finally realize that Vitamin Water isn’t healthy for you. It’s unfortunate and I am gonna make sure that i tell my friends and family who drink this "healthy water" to not intake unnecessary sugars and chemicals when we can make our own juice at home, or simply add some Lemon to water for a zest.

Anonymous said…
Wow! Those bastards! I used to drink a lot of that stuff! Seems like big biz & big gov't are always trying to deceive us. We want to trust and do what's best. Cokes one of the biggest companies in the world. And the only way to get away with this kind of continuous deceit is to be in bed with the gov't. Thanks to this kind of information we can at least make better choices now anyway.
J.Karam C105
Unknown said…
Hi Ms. D! I love this post! Vitamin water is such a joke! The fact that it states to have 'vitamins' in the title should not be enough for someone to believe that it REALLY does have vitamins. The sugar content in that drink is RIDICULOUS. I can't believe the name is still the same. It's a shame that people don't stop to read a label instead of just listening to an advertisement. Anyway, loving this blog!

Noura E.
Anonymous said…
For years i thought vitamin water was a healthy beverage, until recently when i began a ketogenic diet. I’m very surprised that the makers of this drink acknowledge that this beverage is not healthy and yet continue to promote this beverage as a healthy drink. People need to begin to read the labels of products before purchasing them to stop cooperations like Coca Cola from misleading customers and taking people’s hard earn money. -ImeldaF.
Anonymous said…
It's crazy how we can be sold on anything! The simplest of things like water. When you look at the label the majority of ingredients are crap chemicals, colorings and sugars. It's no wonder that we are a nation of overweight people. Thanks for posting this because it's a good reminder to just keep things simple. LC

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