Don't Be Deceived! Read the Food Labels

I love to read. It is more important to be able to read now more than ever. I don't know why I am focused on food right now. But with the problem of childhood obesity that has plagued our country, we need to stop allowing the television and its advertisers dictate to us what we should eat. It only takes a few seconds when shopping for foods to read the labels. There are so many byproducts and artificial colorings added to our foods that hinders the digestive system and the liver from breaking the foods down properly, it is ridiculous! Just look at the latest investigation on blueberries. It is appalling to see what Kelloggs, Betty Crocker, and Target are doing to deceive the public. We need REAL blueberries! According to a study presented at the 2009 Experimental Biology conference, a diet rich in blueberries lowers blood cholesterol levels while improving glucose control and insulin sensitivity, lowering the risk of subsequent diabetes. Just look at the other health benefits of REAL blueberries:
  1. The highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit (a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial),
  2. Neutralizes free radicals which can affect disease and aging in the body
  3. Aid in reducing Belly Fat
  4. Helps promote urinary tract health
  5. Been proved to preserve vision
  6. Brain health-They even heal damaged brain cells and neuron tissues and keep your memory sharp for a long-long time.
  7. Heart Disease
  8. Constipation & Digestion
  9. Cancer-Laboratory studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry show that phenolic compounds in blueberries can inhibit colon cancer cell proliferation and induce apoptosis (programmed cell death). A significant 34% reduction in ovarian cancer risk was also seen in women with the highest intake of the flavone luteolin (found in citrus).
  10. Bluberries keep you fresh, active, fit, sharp, close to nature and in a good mood, as they are very good anti depressants.

As you can see, we need REAL blueberries in our foods. 

Take a look at the following video:

So, what are you going to do?
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Chef Mauricimo's said…
Why!!!!!!! No More Special K with fruit & yogurt and all the many other kinds. When I saw this my mouth dropped and I couldn't pick it back up because my whole life has been with Special K and enjoying there awesome cereal. But I'm not trying to kill my inside with chemical red & blue I want the REAL STUFF!!!! Since this powerpoint which is a MUST SEE I now eat Fiber One Honey Cluster which is AMAZING I LOVE THEM! Also they help me be on top of my fiber intake that keeps me on a regular flow (LOL)... Thank God for Dr. D because I would probably still be killing myself with fake want to be berries.
DrDSpeaks said…
I am glad you saw the truth and made a change. Can you imagine there are still so many still left in the dark.I saw a beautiful display of the cereals you mentioned in the grocery store today. The main thing missing was this video!
An Truong said…
Dangggg! This is exactly what Chinese is doing to their neighbor countries! By the way, people may think this is can bring them a lot of money from doing this "type" of "food" but they don't think further that these will kill their own children and relatives. Hope all the government can have ways to stop this. I cannot believe in nowadays food anymore. Money talks!
Unknown said…
That statement you are what you eat couldn't be truer, learning that at an early age I was more cautious of what I ate but the older I got I became a foodie and didn't care as much, plus not being able to understand all the ingredients put in foods made it much harder to decide what was actually healthy and what was not.


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